Abs are Made in the Kitchen

I hate this expression so much


Unfortunately this expression is 100 percent true. Exercise has never been my problem. I love working out. It’s a form of therapy. I love challenging myself, the endorphins, and the physical transformation. However, there’s only a handful of times in my life that I have actually looked the way I want, because let’s face it, it is not news that we are under extreme pressures and standards to look a certain unattainable way. With that said, I still have my own standard and I know why I haven’t been able to achieve my ideal body: my diet has never been that great. I don’t eat enough, definitely don’t eat enough protein, my macros are not balanced, and I’m not consistent. We all have our own issues, but for me, I just have never had a good relationship with food. It causes me stress, I hate to cook, leftovers gross me out, and decision making for food has always been tough for me (yes, I am that girl “i don’t know what do you want to eat?”). So you’re probably thinking “ok you know the problem, just fix it”. I would counter that with— it’s not that easy. When life gets hard and hectic I always let the “food” part slide. I have made several valid attempts in my lifetime so far to get my eating habits right. All worked really well—for a period of time, until it didn’t. I tried weight watchers after I came back from Paris after living there for a period of time. I gained all the good food weight from baguettes, cheese, wine, and mayo & butter (they put both on everything). So I went on weight watchers bc it took thinking out of it. I looked great for awhile, until counting points forever wasn’t going to be a long term solution. Instead of learning healthy eating habits, I manipulated numbers and would starve myself so I could eat and drink what I wanted to go out with friends. (EYE ROLL). Another time I loved how I looked is when I met my now boyfriend. He was a trainer when I met him (he now has a masters in geography and does really smart things that I can’t explain).I made him make me a workout program and an eating plan. He introduced me to a heavy weight lifting regimen, and macros! He also upped my calorie intake and really encouraged me to eat more. My metabolism got so fast, and I finally had some abs! It was great. Then, I stopped listening to him as much because, well, he’s my boyfriend. For me, it’s hard to listen to the person you love, and the one you live with when you just want to eat the whole carton of icecream.

Now my motivations aren’t so shallow to just want abs. I want to live a long life, and not have pain or health issues. I saw a nutritionist that really helped me adjust my sleep which is key to maintaining good health and longevity. Also, she helped me find ways to drink more water (thanks to the discovery of true lemon! highly recommend). My insurance at the time covered my sessions with her, but eventually I didn’t have insurance that was that good anymore, and it became a little bit more expensive.

Now I am trying to go a little more all in, and try this macro thing again. I went to my best friend which kind of goes against my rules of taking advice from the ones you love, but she’s different. She’s a bad ass mom with two girls, and she is just so strong. Her athleticism seriously is so impressive. Not only was she a two sport athlete in college, but anything she tries she is good at. She did do bikini competitions, which I am not into, but it’s just another example of her discipline. She also did crossfit right up until she had her kids. (she’s also a crossfit instructor). She is freaking amazing. Now she’s opened her nutrition business, and I couldn’t help myself. I needed her services. Amanda Nisula at Nisula wellness is the perfect friend to coach me through bc she gets not being perfect and trying to live a balanced life, but she also gives you that hard ass push you need to achieve your goals. I just want balance, nothing crazy.

We are in week two—she just looked at all the food I ate last week and gave me my first goals for this week. Let’s just say I have some food calories I need to start eating, and a good amount of protein that must be on my plate. I like how she goes in steps though—so I am not so overwhelmed. If there’s too many things I need to remember and achieve, I give up before I start.

I think that the reason I feel better with a nutritionist is because of the fucked up stories television and magazines feed us about how women should look and the million and one diets and superfoods we can eat to get us there. But none of it ever really works—because they are only touting half the story. You need good foods and exercise—you need to eat to keep a good metabolism. Not eating, and only eating low calorie foods, and no carbs is a terrible tactic! Not to mention all the contradictory information and new studies that come out everyday. I am getting so overwhelmed just typing about it. So I decided I needed a partner to help me navigate it all.

So I am using Nisula Wellness to help me through this frustrating process, and not just relying on exercise this time around. What will probably make the biggest difference for me is that my motivations are different. I don’t want to be an instagram model with thousands of likes and comments about how great I look. I want to be healthy so I can live a long life. So I can continue to go on adventures with my boyfriend, play with my nieces and nephews, and maybe have my own family one day. I think once your mind is right and intentions are clear—the rest falls into place with some hard work and guidance.


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