Not getting sleep?

How I elevated my Sleep Game.

Are you feeling unmotivated? Constantly tired? Gaining weight? Breaking out? Don’t get me wrong here, those issues could stem from a lot of different things. I am not a doctor, but I do know the first thing you should check on is your sleep. Are you getting enough? Is it restful? Do you wake up a lot? Toss and turn?

I have never been a good sleeper, but during quarantine I was getting even less shut eye than normal. Even when I was sleeping it was not restful sleep. It was that half awake—eyes slightly open, begging my brain to shut off so I can go back to bed and get a few more minutes of sleep that I know I desperately needed. I was breaking out, gaining weight, irritated, tired, and not looking my best. At the time, I kept pushing forward. I keep thinking I was the problem. I wasn’t working out hard enough or eating well enough or applying enough face masks or serums to make my skin beautiful. (The amount of product I buy is absurd haha).

I never once considered sleep could be the problem. Instead, I started working out more, eating healthier, practicing yoga, drinking more water, and journaling. Anything I could do to try to improve my physical and mental state, I was doing it. While all those things are great, I was sort of over-doing it and ignoring the one thing I should have been fixing first: SLEEP!!! I went to a nutritionist. She asked me about my routines, and before we even got into food she asked the question “how’s your sleep?” I was sitting there for like a full 5 seconds, blank stare, then the question finally made a connection to my brain, and still I was like why does that even matter? She made it clear that before I focus or adjust my fitness, and eating I need to take my sleep seriously. Sleep is a huge part of our well-being and if you’re like me—you’re probably neglecting it.

Ever since that conversation (3 or 4 months ago) sleep has become a priority to me. So I am going to share with you some of my secrets so you can achieve your full potential at your job or in your business. Again, not a doctor here, just letting you know what works for me if you are looking for more restful sleep. Let’s get it started.

Sleepytime Tea


I take this about an hour before I get into bed. I absolutely LOVE this celestial seasonings tea. It makes me sleepy every single time. Also how cute is the bear? I’m already a tea person, because it helps me wind down. My mother and her mother are big tea people, and I guess it just rubbed off on me. So take it from a serial tea drinker—Celestial seasonings is FLAMES. This is the first step to my road to dream land routine.

CBD Oil & Ointment


Two companies I have come to trust and love are Reset—you put the oil under your tongue or can put it in your drink, and CBD Clinic—you put this on your skin. I use it for aches and pains, and sometimes put a bit on my temples to help me relax. Melatonin does not work for me. I might fall right asleep, but I will wake up wide awake a few hours later. The CBD works wonders for sleep, and helps me relax. I highly recommend both of these before you try to get some Z’s. It’s after I take the oil and apply the cream that it’s time to dim the lights and head into bed. I read before I sleep because it calms my mind, without letting it run crazy with to do’s, worries, and anxiety for tomorrow. The dim lights help my brain to signal it’s time for sleep. I found the nights when I watch TV before I go to bed or read with a bright light on—it’s harder for me to fall asleep. Also once I head into bed—no screens! I charge my phones and apple watch outside the bedroom. There are studies that say WIFI interferes with sleep waves. Here’s the deal—I’m not a scientist—but without the reminder of e-mails, texts, and instagram to check sitting right next to me I have found I sleep way better. If the WIFI thing is true—that’s cool, but I think of my bedroom as my sanctuary, a safe place—so no screens allowed. This has worked wonders for me.

Weighted Sleep Mask & Blanket


I quite literally can’t sleep without a sleep mask, and I love the feel and comfort of my weighted sleep mask. Any light no matter how little will interrupt my sleep whether the moon is too bright, or when it starts to get light early in the morning, so the sleep mask helps keep out all interruptions. Also, I made a purchase for a weighted blanket, and it feels like a huge hug. It helps me get right to sleep. I have no specific product suggestions, I think they all work relatively the same. My weighted blanket is from room essentials, I bought it at Target for 50 bucks.

Sound Machine

Last but not least—do yourself a favor and go out and buy a sound machine. I know there are apps on your phone you can download but if you are like me and want no screens in your sanctuary a sound machine is a must. That white noise lulls me to sleep like a baby. I never really believed in sound machines but I got a recommendation for it and it is a game changer when you have those nights or early mornings you wake up wide awake and you have no idea why—and you really need the extra sleep. Turn on a sound machine, and let it work its magic.

I hope you’ll try out some of these tips and tricks and see if any work for you! Let me know if you find any of them helpful, or let me know if you have other suggestions. I am always looking to improve my sleep these days—mostly because I want to be productive as I can, but I have noticed good sleep contributes to me having a happy, healthy day. Most importantly I want to live for a long time—I got a lot of goals left on my list to accomplish!


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