Katie Pedrick

Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist

Katie is the owner of V.I.B.E. Wellness. We sought her out because of one word: STRESS! I can’t speak for everyone, but my stress has been over the top lately. At times, it seems I can’t control it. When I don’t deal with stress it is never long before it manifests into physical ailments whether it be breaking out, pain in my shoulders and back, hair falling out, overeating, under-eating, just to name a few. While seeing a therapist is always my go to for unmanageable stress there are other forms of self-care that can be helpful, and Katie Pedrick is the person who should go see.

She received her Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the New England School of Acupuncture, and has since gone on to do extensive additional training in women’s health, fertility, and hormone balance, sports acupuncture, facial rejuvenation, and Chinese nutrition.  She is board certified and licensed to practice acupuncture and herbal medicine. Impressive. Am I right?

Katie has an extensive background in the medical field.  She began her scientific career studying cancer genomics after receiving a BA in Genetics from Boston University, then went on to work in pharmaceutical research while working toward a masters degree in biotechnology at Harvard University.

Katie became disenchanted with the pharmaceutical industry. She saw medicines being given to patients to put a band-aid on a problem, but never got to the underlying issue. So she turned to Chinese medicine to really treat the whole body and get to the root of what’s going on. She explains that she thinks of the body in systems, and it’s really about keeping all the systems in a balance.

Katie’s experience spans high end spas to crossfit gyms, where she’s been trusted with the health of professional athletes and leaders in the wellness industry alike.  She is currently the official acupuncturist for Reebok HQ, and is spearheading initiatives to bring wellness to workplaces of every size.

In addition to her work as an acupuncturist Katie is the founder and owner of Jinjur, a line of herbal tinctures inspired by her clinical practice that make Chinese herbal medicine available and affordable to all. 

Katie spills on some great tips and tricks to help you improve your life. One of those tips: eat hot foods and drinks!!!! Switch that ice coffee for a hot one! Watch the video above to find out why!


Fiona Tennant


Amanda Nisula