COVID Throws Boss Ladies an Unexpected Obstacle

When we started this BossTown series in the fall we never imagined the pandemic would put a cog in the wheel. We thought it was only right to keep it real with you all--check back in with some of our BossTown ladies about how they are doing during the pandemic--chances are a lot of you are feeling the same. There's so much pressure about staying productive during this time,but what about just feeling down, unmotivated, and frustrated?? Can I get an AMEN??!! Well here's some real talk from women at the top of their game----their triumphs and really low moments. Here's the real content we all need. It will make you laugh, it will make you feel not alone, and it will inspire. go ahead watch, prove me right. Also listed people are all of our Boss Ladies, and how you can support them moving forward into this new normal.

  1. Eliza Shirazi

    1. She went virtual ya’ll! She provides dozens of classes per week from all different variety. For only $39.99 you get unlimited classes right from your home. You can try your first class free. Click here!

  2. Serena & Savanna Petruzello

    1. Petruzello twins have been offering virtual classes! Take a look. They also have been selling fire clothing they have had made at home—follow their Zello Brand instagram page to see what they have available.

  3. Hey Chick Boutique

    1. During quarantine Hey Chick kept it moving they launched a new website so you can order anything and everything from the comfort of your home. Check it!

  4. Flawless Beauty Lounge & Kristina Makris Brands

    1. The lounge may have been temporarily closed, but you can always buy a gift card for their services, and Kristina Makris Brands makeup is always available. It’s just a click away.

  5.  Pure Glow

    1. If your skin and your soul needs a pick-me-up Pure Glow always has products for sale via their website.

  6. Barre Groove

    1. Barre Groove also made a huge pivot to the online platform. You can now enjoy a trampoline bounce, and a pom pom workout from your living room.

  7. One Wish Project

    1. There is always donations that can be made to help children in homeless shelters feel special, loved, and celebrated on their birthdays.


Marina Abrahiim


Meghan Murphy