Marina Abrahiim

Marina Abrahim is most popularly known as an instagram influencer, her life and thoughts public for the world to see--but there's a lot you won't find behind her pictures and captions. She was homeless for five years, she had her son as a single mom, she got laid off from a job she loved in December--but she never let any of that control where she was taking her future. It's so hard to deal with one adversity let along hit after hit, but she does it. Now, she wants to use her hardships to empower other women, and bases her whole business on that mission. She wears many hats, and she's just getting started. If 2020 has got you down, this woman will bring you up. Go check out her newly created program Empowered Confidence—helping woman achieve their goals.


Alvania Lopez


COVID Throws Boss Ladies an Unexpected Obstacle